The Department of Patent, Design & Trademarks, Dhaka, Bangladesh follows the Patents and Designs Act, 1911 for registration procedure and protection of Industrial Designs.
We provide all services relevant to Design rights in Bangladesh including:
- Design Filing to Registration
- Replying to Office action and other notices
- Attending on Hearings
- Design Renewals.
To file a Design Application the followings are needed:
♦ Name of the inventor (applicant),
♦ Address(s) and nationality of the inventors,
♦ Two sets of specifications of design,
♦ Four (4) copies of the representation of clearly showing the features of the design by different views and name of the views. The representation may contain drawings, photographs, tracing or specimens of the design.
♦ Power of Attorney [From – 31].
♦ Statement of Novelty.
Application: The Registrar may, on the application of any person claiming to be the proprietor of any new or original design not previously published in Bangladesh, register the design under section 43(1).
The application must be in the prescribed form and must be left at the Department of patents, Designs and Trademarks in the prescribed manner and must ne accompanied by the prescribed fee by section 43(2).
The same design may be registered in more than one class, and in case of doubt as to the class in which a design ought to be registered, the Registrar may decide the question under section 43(3).
The registrar may, if the thinks fit, refuse to register any design presented to him for registration; but any person aggrieved by any such refusal may appeal to the Government under section 43(4).
An application which, owing to any default or neglect on the part of the applicant, has not been completed so as to enable registration to be effected within the prescribed time shall be deemed to be abandoned under section 43(5).
A design when registered shall be registered as of the date of the application for registration under section 43(6.)
Convention Application: Application based on a foreign design application is possible within six (6) months from the date the foreign application. A certified copy of the application of the member of the Paris Union country must be filed along with the application.
Registration: According to under section 45(1) of the Patent and Design Act, 1911 The Registrar shall grant a certificate of registration to the proprietor of the design when registered.
The Registration of an industrial design is valid for five (5) years from the date of the application and renewable for two (2) further consecutive periods of five (5) years on payment of the prescribed fee.
BDLC Associates Services:
- Company Formation
- Society Registration
- Partnership Registration
- RJSC Return Filing
- Loan Consultancy
- Import License (IRC)
- Export License (ERC)
- BSTI Permission
- Trade License
- One Person Company
Tax Advisory:
- Corporate Tax
- Individual Tax
- TIN Registration
- Tax Compliance
- Value Added Tax (VAT)
- Taxation
- VAT Agent
- BIN Registration
Intellectual Property:
Foreign Entity:
Dispute Resolution:
- Bankruptcy Legal Service
- Defamation or Business reputation protection
- International Arbitration and Litigation
- Criminal Litigation
- Litigation and arbitration
- Employment and Labor law
- Expat Immigration
Transactions and Financing:
- Banking, financial law and capital markets
- Intellectual Property TMT
- Real estate, construction and Environment
- Mergers Acquisitions and Corporate and commercial
- Project finance and public-private partnerships
Industry issues:
- Insurance law and claims settlement
- IT, media and telecommunications
- Maritime transport
- Pharmaceutical Law and Health
- Power and Energy industry
Entity Formation:
- Entity Formation
- Incorporate a private limited company
- Incorporate a Public Limited Company
- Incorporate Joint Venture company
- Branch Office Registration
- eligibility for Foreign Loan
- Registration of Liaison Office
- Register Factories & Establishments
- Licenses for Doing Business
- Trade License
- Import Registration Certificate
- Fire License
- VAT Registration Certificate
- obtain Export Registration Certificate
Regulatory issues:
- Administrative Law and Lawmaking
- Antitrust & Antidumping
- International Trade and Customs
- Interaction with regulatory authorities
- Privatization, public procurement and state property
Private clients:
Deed Writing:
- Conveyance/Sale Deed
- Deed of Heba
- Special Power of Attorney
- Irrevocable Power of Attorney
- Cancellation Power of Attorney
- General Power of Attorney
- Agreement
- Baina Deed
- Partition-Instrument/ Deed of Partition
- Deed of Partnership
Withdrawal Docs:
- Baya Deed
- Porcha
- Map
- Land Mutation
- Rajuk Mutation
- City Corporation Mutation
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you can visit us directly
Gulfesha Plaza (Agura Building) Suite#N-12(12th floor), Moghbazar Mor, 69 Outer Circular Rd, Dhaka 1217
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01788377901, 0258317640
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