Antitrust & Antidumping Legal Services & Lawyer in Bangladesh
BDLC Legal and Associates, Bangladesh Legal Consulting firm in the field of antitrust law is the largest in the Bangladesh. Both local and international clients can be assured of expert lawyers with professional qualifications on antitrust and antidumping issues
The BDLC Legal and Associates, Bangladesh Legal Consulting firm’s lawyers accounted for the coordination with the antitrust authorities of Bangladesh of mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and restructuring of companies, including those related to investments in strategic industries.
The assets of the BDLC Legal and Associates, Bangladesh Legal Consulting firm include participation in dozens of complex antitrust cases successfully resolved in the framework of administrative proceedings and in court. Regular customers of the practice are a number of companies that dominate the market.
The success of the practice is explained not only by its participation in the largest and most significant transactions and antitrust disputes for the market, but also by its vast experience in lawmaking, including through expert.
The BDLC Legal and Associates, Bangladesh Legal consulting firm has about twenty experts who deal only with antitrust issues.
Legal assistance
We provide legal assistance in such matters as:
coordination of transactions with the antimonopoly authority within the framework of control over economic concentration;
support of transactions on establishing control by a foreign investor over companies of strategic importance;
Representation of clients in the course of investigations of violations of the antimonopoly legislation, consideration of cases of administrative offenses and judicial contest of decisions of the antimonopoly authorities;
customer support as part of audits of the antimonopoly authority;
representation of the client’s interests on other issues of interaction with the antimonopoly authority (fulfillment of requests of the antimonopoly authority, obtaining clarifications, etc.);
development of a market behavior strategy and structuring the company’s business, taking into account the requirements of antitrust laws;
legal audit of the company’s activities in terms of compliance with antitrust laws and the development of local acts aimed at compliance with them (sales and marketing policies, etc.);
audit of the activities of retail chains and suppliers with a view to complying with the Law on Trade, protecting the interests of these categories of customers in connection with the consideration of cases under the Law on Trade;
support within the framework of tariff regulation
representation of the client’s interests within the framework of tenders, as well as within the framework of the state defense order;
preparation of normative legal acts in the field of antitrust regulation and their legal support in antitrust authorities and the government;
Antitrust Law Firm of the Bangladesh
“The coordinated work of a team of competent lawyers”
The team “has a very deep knowledge of antitrust laws and an understanding of the regulatory work” and “never disappoints”
BDLC Associates Services:
- Company Formation
- Society Registration
- Partnership Registration
- RJSC Return Filing
- Loan Consultancy
- Import License (IRC)
- Export License (ERC)
- BSTI Permission
- Trade License
- One Person Company
Tax Advisory:
- Corporate Tax
- Individual Tax
- TIN Registration
- Tax Compliance
- Value Added Tax (VAT)
- Taxation
- VAT Agent
- BIN Registration
Intellectual Property:
Foreign Entity:
Dispute Resolution:
- Bankruptcy Legal Service
- Defamation or Business reputation protection
- International Arbitration and Litigation
- Criminal Litigation
- Litigation and arbitration
- Employment and Labor law
- Expat Immigration
Transactions and Financing:
- Banking, financial law and capital markets
- Intellectual Property TMT
- Real estate, construction and Environment
- Mergers Acquisitions and Corporate and commercial
- Project finance and public-private partnerships
Industry issues:
- Insurance law and claims settlement
- IT, media and telecommunications
- Maritime transport
- Pharmaceutical Law and Health
- Power and Energy industry
Entity Formation:
- Entity Formation
- Incorporate a private limited company
- Incorporate a Public Limited Company
- Incorporate Joint Venture company
- Branch Office Registration
- eligibility for Foreign Loan
- Registration of Liaison Office
- Register Factories & Establishments
- Licenses for Doing Business
- Trade License
- Import Registration Certificate
- Fire License
- VAT Registration Certificate
- obtain Export Registration Certificate
Regulatory issues:
- Administrative Law and Lawmaking
- Antitrust & Antidumping
- International Trade and Customs
- Interaction with regulatory authorities
- Privatization, public procurement and state property
Private clients:
Deed Writing:
- Conveyance/Sale Deed
- Deed of Heba
- Special Power of Attorney
- Irrevocable Power of Attorney
- Cancellation Power of Attorney
- General Power of Attorney
- Agreement
- Baina Deed
- Partition-Instrument/ Deed of Partition
- Deed of Partnership
Withdrawal Docs:
- Baya Deed
- Porcha
- Map
- Land Mutation
- Rajuk Mutation
- City Corporation Mutation
Visit us
you can visit us directly
Gulfesha Plaza (Agura Building) Suite#N-4(4th floor), Moghbazar Mor, 69 Outer Circular Rd, Dhaka 1217
Call us
Call us for any legal help
01788377901, 0258317640
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